Founding date
Registered capital
8,000,000 RMB
Other technology promotion service industry
Business scope: Industrial Automation Equipment, Repair, Mechanical And Electrical Equipment Installation, Precursor Chemicals, Lubricating Oil, Monitor Chemicals, Engaged In The Import And Export Of Goods And Technology, Air Purification Equipment, Technology Development In The Field Of Science And Technology, Air Compression Machinery And Its Accessories, Civilian Explosives, Hardware Pipe Fittings, Firecrackers, Chemical Raw Materials And Products, Green Facilities, Equipment, Sale, Sale, Engage In, Equipment, ...

Founding date
Registered capital
10,000,000 RMB
Other unlisted professional and technical service industries
Business scope: Sale, Electrical Equipment, Wujinjiaodian, Install, Wire And Cable, Engaged In The Import And Export Of Goods And Technology, Valve, Water Pipe, Technical Consultation In The Field Of Machinery And Equipment, Air Compression Machinery And Its Accessories, The Design Of, Lubricant Sales,

Founding date
Registered capital
10,000,000 RMB
Wholesale of other mechanical equipment and electronic products
Business scope: Valve, Sale, Electrical Equipment, Instrumentation, Mechanical And Electrical Equipment Installation Engineering, Install, Waste Heat Recovery Equipment, Install, Lubricating Oil, Technical Consulting Services In The Field Of Machinery And Equipment, Heat Pump Products, Electric Equipment, Contract Energy Management Services, Hardware Products, Leasing Of Machinery And Equipment, Energy Saving Equipment, Air Compression Machinery And Its Accessories, Central Air Conditioning Equipment, Sales And Installation Of Refrigeration Equipment, Stainless Steel Products, ...

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