Wholesale of agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery products
Business scope: Import And Export Of Goods And Technology,
Technical Consulting,
Technology Promotion,
Technical Services,
Food Sales,
Agricultural Technology Development,
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Sales Of Agricultural And Sideline Products,
Business scope: Sale,
Technology Development,
Technical Consulting,
Technical Services,
Technology Transfer,
Import And Export Of Goods And Technology,
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Electronic And Electrical Production,
Engineering and Technology Research and Experimental Development
Business scope: Technical Consulting,
Technology Transfer,
Technology Promotion,
Technical Services,
Electrical Equipment,
Metallic Material,
Import And Export Of Goods And Technology,
Sales Wujinjiaodian,
Nanotechnology R D,
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Chemical Raw Materials And Products,
Business scope: Import And Export Of Goods And Technology,
Technical Consulting,
Technology Promotion,
Chemical Products,
Biotechnology Development,
Planting Chinese Herbal Medicines,
Agricultural And Sideline Products,
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Drug Retail,