Founding date
Registered capital
5,000,000 RMB
Other Resident Services
Business scope: Technical Consulting, Technical Services, Technical Consulting, Technical Services, Law, High Tech Development, Exclusive Control, Supply Chain Management, Electronic Information Technology Development, Operating Import And Export Business, Circuit Board Raw Materials And Electronic Components, Technology Development And Sales, Contains Chip, Circuit Board, Supply Chain Consulting, Monopoly,

Founding date
Registered capital
5,000,000 RMB
Other technology promotion service industry
Business scope: Contains Chip, Import And Export Of Goods And Technology, Led Strip, Electronic Information Technology Development, Electronic Equipment, Technical Consulting, Technical Services, Technical Consulting, Technical Services, Led Lamps, Communication Equipment, High Tech Development, R D And Sales, Operating E Commerce, Circuit Board, Electronics And Accessories, Circuit Board Raw Materials And Electronic Components, Technology Development And Sales, Design Of Hardware And Plastic Products,

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