Founding date
Registered capital
1,000,000 Dollar
Handling and warehousing
Business scope: Technical Consulting, Trade And Trade Agency Between Enterprises In The Region, Product Display In The Area, Operating Leasing Of Machinery And Equipment, International Trade, Support Software, Wholesale Of Mechanical Appliances And Their Parts, Middleware Software, Commission Agency, Embedded Software, Import And Export And Related Supporting Business, Distribution Business And Maintenance Of Related Products, After Sales Service, Re Export Trade, Simple Commercial Processing In The Region, Regional Business Consulting Services,

Founding date
Registered capital
12,000,000 RMB
Building materials wholesale
Business scope: Information Technology Consulting, Sale, Business Management Consulting, Sale, Sale, Computer Software And Hardware Technology Development, Middleware Software, Engineering Supervision, Exclusive Control, Research And Development, Fireproof Materials, Embedded Software, Integrated Circuit, Biomedical Technology Development, Technical Advisory Services, Leasing Of Machinery And Equipment Without Operators, Project Bidding Agency, Monopoly, Protection, Computer Software, ...

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