Company profile:

Hubei Province Grain Co., Ltd

Country: China
Legal Representative: Huang Shenglin
Business status: Active
Industry: Other unspecified wholesale business
Company type: Limited liability company (sole proprietorship of a legal person not invested or controlled by a natural person)
Founding date: 1990-06-16
Approval date: 2022-11-07
Chinese legal name: 湖北省粮食有限公司
Telephone: 027-881159** ,027-887088** ,882195**
Email: ** , ** , ** , ** ,

Hubei Province Grain Co., Ltd

Employees 0-100 Detail ( 72.48% of companies have fewer than 5 employees. )
Registered capital 200,000,000 RMB Detail ( 6.3% of companies have registered capital less than 500,000. )
Paid up capital Over 100 Million RMB Detail ( 42.7% of companies have paid up capital less than 500,000. )
The preceding data analysis is derived from a sample of 2 million Chinese companies with import and export licenses, as of October 9, 2023.

They invested companies

Company's business scope

food、 Purchase of oilseeds and other agricultural and sideline products、reserveSale;Investment industry; Prepackaged food sales;sales of feed Non-edible agricultural and sideline native productsbuilding materialsDaily necessitiesMetals and MineralsChemical machinerypulppaper productsmedical dressingElectronic equipment Furniture retail and wholesaleproperty managementGeneral Cargo Warehousing(Free of chemical hazards); Technology development and informationTechnical Services(No intermediary services);Import and exportTechnology Import and Export(Except for goods and technologies prohibited or restricted by the state);Chemical ProductscoalCokemetallic material Iron ore, copper, aluminum, zinc, technetium and other metal materials)、Agricultural and sideline productsrubberwhite sugarcottontradingfeed、 Wholesale and retail of feed ingredients and feed additives。(Involved in licensing projects,It should be operated after obtaining the permission of the relevant department

Report on this company:

Supplier Verification
  • Company General Information
  • Company Registration Details
  • Shareholder Information
  • Main Personnels
  • Import & Export Credit
  • Legal Records Table
  • Government Records Table
Full Background Check
  • Company General Information
  • Company Registration Details
  • Shareholder Information
  • Main Personnels
  • Import & Export Credit
  • Legal Records Table
  • Government Records Table
  • Company Change Record
  • Company Legal Inspection
  • Ongoing Judicial Case
  • Case Filings History
  • Administrative Penalties
  • Related Companies Risks
Pre-litigation Investigation
  • Company General Information
  • Company Registration Details
  • Shareholder Information
  • Main Personnels
  • Import & Export Credit
  • Legal Records Table
  • Government Records Table
  • Company Change Record
  • Company Legal Inspection
  • Ongoing Judicial Case
  • Case Filings History
  • Administrative Penalties
  • Related Companies Risks
  • Branches & Subsidiaries
  • Advanced Registration Information
  • Legal Representative Information
  • Suspected Actual Controller
  • Company Investment
  • Company Annual Report
  • Company Intellectual Property

location of Hubei Province Grain Co., Ltd

Address K9-16F, Xujiapeng Building, Jiangxin City, No. 8 Xudong Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
Province Hubei China Hubei
City Wuhan

Ranking of Wuhan Among Chinese Cities

Area of Industrial, Manufacturing of the city(Wuhan )

Area: 0.00 km²
Chinese city rankings: 0

Population of the city(Wuhan )

Population: 9,341,000
Chinese city rankings: 9

Companies in the city(Wuhan)

Companies: 11,580
Chinese city rankings: 32

Area of Logistics and Warehouse of the city(Wuhan )

Area: 0.00 km²
Chinese city rankings: 0

Frequently Asked Questions

1.Company information


Phone number:027-881159**

The company was started in 1990-06-16