Company profile:

Shenzhen King Soon Fine Morden International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd.

Country: China
Legal Representative: Li Xiaoxin
Business status: Active
Industry: Freight forwarding agent
Company type: Limited liability company (sole proprietorship)
Founding date: 2021-02-05
Approval date: 2021-02-05
Chinese legal name: 深圳市金胜丰现代国际货运代理有限公司
Telephone: 0755252256**
Email: ** ,

Shenzhen King Soon Fine Morden International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd.

Employees 0-100 Detail ( 72.48% of companies have fewer than 5 employees. )
Registered capital 5,000,000 RMB Detail ( 6.3% of companies have registered capital less than 500,000. )
Paid up capital 0-10 Million RMB Detail ( 42.7% of companies have paid up capital less than 500,000. )
The preceding data analysis is derived from a sample of 2 million Chinese companies with import and export licenses, as of October 9, 2023.

Company's Shareholders

Shenzhen Jinshengfeng Group Co., Ltd.

They invested companies

Company's business scope

General business items are:International freight forwarding businessShippingland transportationImport and export cargo by airInternational exhibits、International transport agency business for personal belongings and transit goods,includeSolicit goodsconsignmentbookingstoragetransitContainer assembly and devanningSettle shipping and miscellaneous chargescustoms clearancereport for inspectionInsurance、Related short-distance transportation services and transportation consulting services;NVOCCOperating with a valid NVOCC Business Qualification Registration Certificate); Supply chain management and logistics scheme design;Engage in customs declaration business at various ports in Shenzhen or in places where the customs supervision business in Shenzhen is concentrated( Operating within the validity period of the customs license);Domestic Freight Forwarder; Warehousing services and warehouse value-added logistics servicesCargo logistics distribution servicecargo handlingLoading and unloadingCross-border e-commerce comprehensive logistics serviceDo business online(No restricted items);Internet business servicedatabase servicedatabase management;Invest in business(Specific projects will be reported separately);Domestic Trade; Material supply and marketing service(Does not contain franchise、Exclusive controlMonopoly);Economic Information Consultation(No restricted items)。, the licensed operating items are:none

Report on this company:

Supplier Verification
  • Company General Information
  • Company Registration Details
  • Shareholder Information
  • Main Personnels
  • Import & Export Credit
  • Legal Records Table
  • Government Records Table
Full Background Check
  • Company General Information
  • Company Registration Details
  • Shareholder Information
  • Main Personnels
  • Import & Export Credit
  • Legal Records Table
  • Government Records Table
  • Company Change Record
  • Company Legal Inspection
  • Ongoing Judicial Case
  • Case Filings History
  • Administrative Penalties
  • Related Companies Risks
Pre-litigation Investigation
  • Company General Information
  • Company Registration Details
  • Shareholder Information
  • Main Personnels
  • Import & Export Credit
  • Legal Records Table
  • Government Records Table
  • Company Change Record
  • Company Legal Inspection
  • Ongoing Judicial Case
  • Case Filings History
  • Administrative Penalties
  • Related Companies Risks
  • Branches & Subsidiaries
  • Advanced Registration Information
  • Legal Representative Information
  • Suspected Actual Controller
  • Company Investment
  • Company Annual Report
  • Company Intellectual Property

location of Shenzhen King Soon Fine Morden International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd.

Address 3rd Floor, Office Building, Zhonghai Logistics Park, Yantian Comprehensive Bonded Zone, No. 15 Mingzhu Road, Donghai Community, Yantian Street, Yantian District, Shenzhen City
Province Guangdong China Guangdong
City Shenzhen

Ranking of Shenzhen Among Chinese Cities

Area of Industrial, Manufacturing of the city(Shenzhen )

Area: 273.42 km²
Chinese city rankings: 4

Population of the city(Shenzhen )

Population: 17,682,000
Chinese city rankings: 4

Companies in the city(Shenzhen)

Companies: 140,270
Chinese city rankings: 1

Area of Logistics and Warehouse of the city(Shenzhen )

Area: 20.24 km²
Chinese city rankings: 12

Frequently Asked Questions

1.Company information


Phone number:0755252256**

The company was started in 2021-02-05