Company profile:

Zhuhai Free Trade Zone Rotel Electronics Co., Ltd

Country: China
Legal Representative: PETER I-TSE KAO
Business status: Active
Industry: Manufacturing of other electronic components
Company type: Limited Liability Company (Solely Proprieted by Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Legal Persons)
Founding date: 2001-01-05
Approval date: 2017-12-26
Chinese legal name: 珠海保税区洛得电子有限公司
Telephone: 0756-881777** ,88177**
Email: ** , ** ,

Zhuhai Free Trade Zone Rotel Electronics Co., Ltd

Employees 100-200 Detail ( 72.48% of companies have fewer than 5 employees. )
Registered capital 4,440,000 Dollar Detail ( 6.3% of companies have registered capital less than 500,000. )
Paid up capital 10-50 Million RMB Detail ( 42.7% of companies have paid up capital less than 500,000. )
The preceding data analysis is derived from a sample of 2 million Chinese companies with import and export licenses, as of October 9, 2023.

Company's Shareholders


They invested companies

Company's business scope

Production、 Make and sell home-made electronics、home appliancesCommunication Products、 Toroidal and EI type power transformer products、speakerssoftware; Engaged in the wholesale and import and export business of the above products and similar products(Commodities that do not involve state trade management,Quota involved、of license-managed goods,According to the relevant regulations of the country);Bonded WarehouseRe-export trade。(Items subject to approval by law,Business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments)

Report on this company:

Supplier Verification
  • Company General Information
  • Company Registration Details
  • Shareholder Information
  • Main Personnels
  • Import & Export Credit
  • Legal Records Table
  • Government Records Table
Full Background Check
  • Company General Information
  • Company Registration Details
  • Shareholder Information
  • Main Personnels
  • Import & Export Credit
  • Legal Records Table
  • Government Records Table
  • Company Change Record
  • Company Legal Inspection
  • Ongoing Judicial Case
  • Case Filings History
  • Administrative Penalties
  • Related Companies Risks
Pre-litigation Investigation
  • Company General Information
  • Company Registration Details
  • Shareholder Information
  • Main Personnels
  • Import & Export Credit
  • Legal Records Table
  • Government Records Table
  • Company Change Record
  • Company Legal Inspection
  • Ongoing Judicial Case
  • Case Filings History
  • Administrative Penalties
  • Related Companies Risks
  • Branches & Subsidiaries
  • Advanced Registration Information
  • Legal Representative Information
  • Suspected Actual Controller
  • Company Investment
  • Company Annual Report
  • Company Intellectual Property

location of Zhuhai Free Trade Zone Rotel Electronics Co., Ltd

Address Area A, Luode No. 1 Factory, Area No. 27, Zhuhai Free Trade Zone
Province Guangdong China Guangdong
City Zhuhai

Ranking of Zhuhai Among Chinese Cities

Area of Industrial, Manufacturing of the city(Zhuhai )

Area: 103.02 km²
Chinese city rankings: 18

Population of the city(Zhuhai )

Population: 1,486,000
Chinese city rankings: 117

Companies in the city(Zhuhai)

Companies: 7,950
Chinese city rankings: 42

Area of Logistics and Warehouse of the city(Zhuhai )

Area: 4.00 km²
Chinese city rankings: 77

Frequently Asked Questions

1.Company information


Phone number:0756-881777**

The company was started in 2001-01-05