
Founding date
Registered capital
29,610,000 RMB
Professional technical service industry
Business scope: Sale, Domestic Waste Treatment Equipment Sales, Atmospheric Environmental Pollution Prevention And Control Services, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Engineering Professional Contracting, After Sales Service And Technical Support, Soil Environmental Pollution Prevention And Control Services, Environmental Consulting Services, Water Environment Pollution Prevention And Control Services, Environmental Protection Monitoring, Domestic Waste Treatment Equipment Manufacturing, Soil Pollution Control And Restoration Services, Solid Waste Treatment, Various Construction Activities, Environmental Emergency Management Service, And Provide Relevant Consultation,

Founding date
Registered capital
8,000,000 Dollar
Manufacturing of electronic components and electronic special materials
Business scope: Development, New Electronic Components, Processing, Chemical Product Sales, Technical Services, Technology Development, Technical Consulting, Sensitive Components And Sensors, After Sales Service And Technical Support, Mechanical Parts, Parts Sales, Manufacture, Sales Of Electronic Special Materials, To Develop, Design And Manufacture, Sell Self Produced Products, Instrument, Technology Exchange, Technology Transfer, Technology Promotion, ...

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