
Founding date
Registered capital
21,000,000 RMB
Wholesale of other mechanical equipment and electronic products
Business scope: Mechanical Equipment And Parts Processing, Production, Sale, Wujinjiaodian, Electronic Product, Electrical Equipment, Metallic Material, Import And Export, Technology Import And Export, Industrial Automation Equipment And Accessories, Steel, Office Labor Protection Supplies, Warehouse Lease, Construction Machinery Parts, Integrated Intelligent Liquid Supply System Products And Accessories, Mechanical Equipment Maintenance And Technical Services,

Founding date
Registered capital
360,000,000 RMB
Other metal processing machinery manufacturing
Business scope: Sale, Technology Transfer, Technical Consulting, Technical Services, Sale, Import And Export Of Goods Or Technology, It Should Be Operated After Obtaining The Permission Of The Relevant Department, Professional Contractors, Repair, Labor Subcontracting, Engaged In Construction Machinery, Steel, Computer Hardware And Software, Computer Hardware And Software, Computer System, Technical Consultation And After Sales Service, Integrated Intelligent Liquid Supply System Products And Accessories, Construction Machinery Equipment And Accessories, Coal Mining Machinery And Accessories, Technology Development Of Information Technology, ...

Founding date
Registered capital
51,000,000 RMB
Other technology promotion service industry
Business scope: Drawing, Sale, Processing, Production, Processing, Sale, Production, Sale, Software Development, Agent Import And Export Service, It Should Be Operated After Obtaining The Permission Of The Relevant Department, Communication Equipment Manufacturing, Professional Contractors, Machine Tool Accessories, Automobile And Motorcycle Parts, System Technology Development, Research And Development, Sales And Service, Manufacturing Of Broadcasting And Television Equipment, Import And Export Of Goods And Technology, Integrated Intelligent Liquid Supply System Products And Accessories ...

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