
Founding date
Registered capital
10,000,000 RMB
Manufacture of plastic sheets, tubes and profiles
Business scope: Import And Export Of Goods And Technology, Sales Of Plastic Products, Sale, Sale, Made From Metal, Install, Install, Plumbing And Electricity Installation, Wire And Cable, Refrigeration, Hardware Products, Air Conditioning Equipment Manufacturing, Manufacturing Of Household Electric Heating Appliances, Other Mechanical Equipment And Electronic Products, Manufacture Of Plastic Sheets Tubes And Profiles,

Founding date
Registered capital
16,770,000 RMB
Manufacturing of auto parts and accessories
Business scope: Trailer Manufacturing, Manufacture Of Special Equipment For Environmental Protection, Import And Export Business Of Goods Or Technology, Mechanical, Car Body, Manufacturing Of Auto Parts And Accessories, Manufacturing Of Household Electric Heating Appliances, Manufacture Of Mechanized Agricultural And Gardening Machinery, Production Of Special Vehicle Manufacturing, Manufacture Of Special Equipment For Chemical Production, Container Manufacturing, Accessories, Car, Construction Machinery Manufacturing, Livestock Machinery Manufacturing,

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