
Founding date
Registered capital
50,000,000 RMB
Other unspecified manufacturing industries
Business scope: Provide Relevant Technical Service Consultation, Commission Agency, Research And Development, Photovoltaic System Engineering Installation And After Sales Service, Wholesale Of Consumables, Finished Product Testing Services, Sell Silicon Wafers, Photovoltaic Application Products, Polysilicon Wafer And Related Auxiliary Materials, Silicon Chip Related Semiconductor Materials, Photovoltaic Material, Engage In Similar Products And Solar Modules Produced By The Company, Silicon Grain, Solar Cells And Solar Modules, Solar Grade Single, Processing, Import And Export Business, Manufacture,

Founding date
Registered capital
38,000,000 RMB
Other technology promotion service industry
Business scope: Finished Product Testing Services, Research And Development, Photovoltaic System Engineering Installation And After Sales Service, Sell Silicon Wafers, Photovoltaic Application Products, Polysilicon Wafer And Related Auxiliary Materials, Engage In Similar Products And Solar Modules Produced By The Company, Provide Relevant Technical Service Consultation, Commission Agency, Silicon Chip Related Semiconductor Materials, Solar Cells And Solar Modules, Solar Grade Single, Photovoltaic Material, Silicon Grain, Manufacture, Wholesale Of Consumables, Processing, Import And Export Business,

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